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How to adjust the height of a manual medical bed


Manual medical beds are usually adjusted in the following steps:

Find the adjustment device: Manual medical beds are usually equipped with a handle or crank on one side of the bed frame or near the foot to adjust the height of the bed. These devices may be knobs, cranks, or pull-rod type operating devices.

Operate the adjustment device: Find the corresponding adjustment device according to the design of the bed frame. Usually it is a rotation or push-pull operation, and it is operated to the appropriate height position as needed.

Confirm the adjustment height: When adjusting, you can observe the height mark of the bed frame or use your height as a reference to ensure that it is adjusted to a height suitable for the patient's use or medical operation.

Locking device: Some manual medical beds may have a locking mechanism on the adjustment device. After adjusting to the appropriate height, make sure the locking device is in the correct position to prevent the bed frame from moving accidentally.

Test stability: After the adjustment is completed, gently shake the bed frame to confirm the stability and safety of the bed frame. If there is a sense of instability or the bed frame makes an abnormal sound, stop using it immediately and check whether the adjustment device is properly locked or needs to be adjusted.

Through the above steps, the height of the manual medical bed can be safely and effectively adjusted to meet the comfort of the patient and the operation needs of medical staff.

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